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The Cascade Glade Project

Inspired by the 10-minute walk

The Cascade Glade Project was designed to address community concerns about the lack of safe access to the CSNP (Cascade Springs Nature Preserve).

It all started in 2018 when CSNC, formerly (Friends of Cascade Springs Nature Preserve) met with various community members and park visitors to understand that people felt unsafe in the parking and trailhead areas. Local residents also expressed a sense of disconnection from the preserve. So We conducted a community-wide survey – with over 150 participants. (see responses HERE) to gain perspective on a possible solution.

Respondents stated:

A) Automobile centric lifestyles threaten community conservation efforts.

B) SW Atlanta has the lowest pedestrian infrastructure coverage in the city.

C) Local residents increasingly feel disconnected from the preserve.

D) People with disabilities have difficulty accessing the park.

E) The community needs safe pedestrian friendly access to the park

F) They support a proposal to fund an ADA compliant, pedestrian friendly connecting path from the Cascade Road shared-use path into the ‘gateway area’ to the interior of the nature preserve.

Through the survey results, the community had spoken, so in 2019, CSNC worked with civic leaders to plan a $400k capital improvement project to enhance safety and access to the nature preserve.

First, we obtained a $300,000 funding commitment from Atlanta City Councilmember Marci Collier Overstreet. Next, we raised another $100,000 from a Park Pride Legacy grant to fund improvements to the preserve’s entranceway, parking area, and meadows.  In the winter of 2021, DPR (the Department of Parks and Recreation) initiated the Cascade Glade Project. The project’s phases include procurement, community engagement, design, permitting, and construction.  The project was completed in July 2023. Atlanta City Councilmember Marci Collier Overstreet hosted the opening ceremony on June 16th, 2023.  The ceremony was well attended by the public, the City of Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation, Park Pride, the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs, and landscape architect Patrick Hand who provided insight on the project.  The video below illustrates the concept plan prepared for fundraising purposes. This visual is only a concept.  The final plan is in the flipbook below.

Cascade Glade Draft Design