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Why Community Participation?

Involvement in community activities in non-segregated spaces would help people to learn to learn new skills or brush-up their hobbies. It also helps people to build and improve their confidence. Community participation paves the way for self-development and contribution. The sense of contributing, for instance, participation in a project which contributes to the society can give you a sense of pleasure and meaningfulness. See the benefits of community participation below:

  • Promotes sense of belongingness.
  • Better health and well-being.
  • Set goals and improve skills.
  • Gives purpose and sense of contribution.
  • Adapt and develop new skills.
  • Acceptance and recognition.
  • Increases social networks.
  • Enhances social support.
  • Involvement in projects that can benefit the community.
  • Opportunities for making an income.
  • Improved skills and lives.