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In the summer of 2022, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) awarded Cascade Springs Nature Conservancy assistance in prioritizing a proposed network of eight multi-modal greenway corridors connecting 600+ acres of greenspace within a 1-mile radius of the Cascade Heights Business Historic District. The planning process will include convening primary stakeholders and decision makers to prioritize trail segments identified in several planning documents, including the 2006 Campbellton-Cascade Corridors Redevelopment Plan and 2021 AeroATL Greenway Model Mile Atlanta Project Feasibility Study. The completed plan will include renderings of the prioritized segments, cost estimates for design and construction of the multi-modal corridors, and a matrix of funding sources.

What is CDAP?

The ARC Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) provides planning assistance to local governments, CIDs, & non-profits across the metro Atlanta region to undertake local planning activities that advance the goals of the Atlanta Region’s Plan. In short, CDAP matches technical planning help and expertise with projects in communities who need it.

Cascade Heights Greenway Network Feasibility Study

Click the three dots above to download the document.

A key element of this project is convening a Steering Committee to provide feedback at critical stages throughout the planning process. The Steering Committee will meet three times to give feedback on interim deliverables and input into the project.

The following individuals have agreed to serve on the Steering Committee:

City of Atlanta Council – Marci Overstreet, Jason Dozier

City of Atlanta DOT – Betty Smoot-Madison

City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation – Tara Buckner

Cascade Heights Community Development Corp. (CHCDC)  – Oscar Harris

Cascade Business Association – Shea Embry, Thomas “Trey†Dortch

Atlanta Beltline, Inc. – Meghan Injaychock

PATH Foundation – Claire Kern, Greta DeMayo

Adams Park Residents Association – Yolanda Johnson

Cascade Heights Community Member – Doug Hooker

NPU-I – Eunice Glover

NPU-S – Nick Hess

Propel ATL – Rebecca Serna

West Atlanta Watershed Alliance – Na’Taki Osborne Jelks


The Cascade Road Trail is the model mile for the proposed Cascade Heights Greenway Network.  Since the late 1990’s grassroots efforts have been underway to plan and develop a greenway network that connects 600 acres of greenspace in Cascade Heights. The map below illustrates the vision.  And the ARC Webinar Series video provides even more details on the back story…check it out, its only 5 minutes short….